New Graphic Prints: Around The World - Batch One

In 2012 I started a series of original 12x12 paintings as a fundraiser for the 10X10 Photography Project. The fundraiser was called ‘Around the World In 30 Days’, in which I would paint 30 paintings in 30 days for 30 people and the funds raised supported the photographers of 10x10 and its accompanying book. Over the years, I continued to work in this size and format and have amassed a catalogue of cities.

Now, for the first time, I am releasing a short run of graphic prints of these cities. This first batch includes: Amsterdam, Arles, Budapest, Canberra, Detroit/Windsor, Ho Chi Minh City, Merida, Montreal, and Paris.

Each print is 12x12 inches, on Hahnemuhle paper, signed and numbered in editions of 25. Click here to order one for yourself or for someone special. These make a great gift for those who love to travel or have a special affinity for one of these cities.

New cities will be released in the coming weeks. If you have a city request, please feel free to send me a note here.

Happy travels!